Friday, December 24, 2010

Watercolor Painting on iPad

Found Auryn Ink app (currently free as I write) for watercolor painting on iPad. Here are some experiments & I love it. Though it has no fancy UI, the app itself is amazing. I can feel the wetness of watercolor in this app.
There's one limitation that concerns me: the canvas size is only 1024 x 768 - no support for high res media.

More review here.

iTunes link.


dinky said...

lucuk nih app. tp kudu punya ipad dulu ya XD, btw gw udh follow blog ini tp kok ga kliatan yah, d thumbnail followersnya, ap krna gw pake yahoo account ya..

Eric Jasso said...

Wow! I just got the Auryn app and was looking for inspiration when I found your site. GREAT work! I will come back looking for more! Cheers from California.

Pinot W. Ichwandardi said...

@Eric Cheers. Have you tried with Nomad Brush?