Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Motion Graphic with Watercolor Mood

Remember when I posted about Photo-Watercolorizing project a month ago? So here it is. All of the elements were done with manual traditional & digital painting (with Wacom). Thanks to my wife, Dita, for her amazing food-photography :D


Unknown said...

Papin kok keren banget sih karya2nyaa... *kagum*

Pinot W. Ichwandardi said...

Hihihik. Terima kasih. Ini juga karena foto2 food Mamin yg bikin jadi gurih :D

Anonymous said...

Man, that should be the opening scene for Dita's TV show: "Cooking with Mamin" XD

Pinot W. Ichwandardi said...

Hahaha good idea!