Friday, September 3, 2010

Home Sweet Home

It's been almost 4 months,since we moved to this new apartment. And we love it. It has more bigger room and playing space for the kids.

2 years in the old apartment and we had such a really sweet memories. Especially in our artful life. We've done so many artful things.

Our Artful Life

Now we have a new nest. New place we'll fill with artful things. New chapter in our journey.

our artful life : new mural


creamme said...

bagus bgtt ... very inspiring home!

pinky said...

Haiii creative couple, salam kenal ya..Gilaaaa gw terkagum2 liat kreatifitas lu berdua. Itu menginspirasi gw dan laki gw untuk menjadi kreatif dan mengajarkan anak gw menjadi kreatif. Anak2 lu pasti fun banget punya orangtua seperti kalian. Thx for inspiring me and husband ya. Minggu ini laki gw yg kebetulan anak design juga, akan melukis di kamar anak gw (setelah gw todong, ngiler liat hasil kamar anak lu;p). Oh ya gw liat link ini dari forum Urban Mama yang lu comment Dit,,haiii Dita. Guys, kalo gw masukin link lu ke blog gw tak apa kah? Thanks guys:)